Social networking is not going away. With popular sites like Facebook and Fuckbook are clamoring the internet scene, the one question that everyone asks is ‘Is anybody listening or are we all just talking?’
Relationship sites come in all styles and interests and this type is just one sort. But I’d like to suggest using that term for something a little different. Remember the ‘little black book’? You know, the holy grail of hot chicks and studs who were rated with one to five stars based on their sexual prowess or kinkiness?
In the past, before the sexual revolution and women burned their bras, this little book was held in the confines of the smoky cigar chambers of men. When some poor old sap decided to give up the freedom of going out with women just for fun and quick hookups in exchange for some vows, a ring, and the love of his life, his personal little black book became a much sought after commodity. ‘Best friends’ crawled out of the woodwork to get their hands on this coveted prize of ready and rated sex partners.
But the problem was, depending on the age of the original owner of that black book, many of the women may have moved on. Sexy and sultry ‘Suzanne’ could now be a nursery school teacher, married, and have 5 kids of her own. Her garter belt may have been hung up years ago and replaced by an apron. In other words, the book could be outdated.
Enter the modern era, modern technology, and the list of rated profiles on online dating sites such as And – women get to play too!
This type of online naughtiness is not only kept current, but the players themselves go to great lengths and imagination to keep their profiles current. Want to know what they are into or what turns them on? Well, just ask.
Facebook may be fine for sharing your latest meal or thought – but Randy Rabbits and its functionality as an online black book had a much different draw. Go online and see the profiles and rate of all available prospects for hookups in your city.
See you on!
Tags: adult social network, black book, blackbook, fuck book, fuckbook
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