How To Keep Casual Sex Casual
Casual sex begins in much the same way for everyone. You just want to satisfy that inner, animal instinct. That craving that comes from seeing something, and wanting to devour and enjoy every bit of it….but just for a little while. You just want a little taste, but you don’t want to invest in a long term relationship.
Friend with benefits runs the risk of getting messy unless you follow a few tried and tested guidelines to keep it fun and keep it casual. You have to have that strategy to keep your emotions in check:
Find someone that you’re not fully compatible with. If you start seeing someone who you perceive as “perfect” in every way, you may want to slide into a relationship. If this is not what you want, then find a partner who is sexy and fun but not someone you can see spending the rest of your life with.
Making it crystal clear
Make it very clear that all you are after is casual sex and nothing more. There is no need to stay overnight, send flowers, or meet the parents if it’s all about getting laid. If you get a sense that the other person is starting to get attached, address is immediately. Don’t let a flicker of hope turn into a flame that can’t be extinguished.
Make it very clear to yourself that it’s just casual. Our minds can be very clever by tricking us into believing that what feels good to the body is something more than what it is. Remind yourself before and after every encounter that this is only about chemistry, passion, and lust. Nothing more.
Make it crazy, kinky, and exploratory. In a fun way, this can be like a science experiment. See what feels good, what’s fun. It’s harder to imagine having a serious relationship with someone who is just a kinky lab partner!
Even casual sex requires that your treated in respectfully – even if you are being “naughty”. If your playmate starts to do things that take you for granted, like showing up without calling, or showing up late, then you can put your foot down and move on.
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When it’s time to end the relationship, then end it clean. Just as you started with a clear goal in mind, end it with that same sense of honesty. Don’t leave the impression that you will be back for more if that’s not your intention.
Following these few simple guidelines could open up a whole new world of casual encounters with no string attached. Every game has a set of rules. Getting laid is no different.
No Strings Attached Fun – How To Attract It!
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You might find it hard to imagine why it is so difficult to find a partner for a one night stand when there are so many horny singles out there. Just take a look at any pick up joint that is packed to the walls with women that have spent an enormous amount of time getting dolled up. Do you think that they shave their legs just for the fun of it? Or for the fun idea of some handsome man finding them irresistibly attractive and then carrying her off to his lair? Trust me, they are thinking about it; however, the rules of society may prevent them from blurting out their true desires…unless they go online.
Finding a casual sex partner is much easier when you go online to an adult dating site such as Randy Rabbits. Here, you are thrown right smack dab in the middle of a pool of hungry prospects looking for some illicit sexual encounter, or just a bit of sex talk. But don’t think that you can just throw in an unbaited hook to make a catch. You still need to make your morsel enticing or the fish may not bite.
Adult Dating Sites – Promise No Strings
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Meet the opposing force of online relationship dating – the Adult Dating site. Much like the other type of venue, Adult Dating sites like Randy Rabbits have grown out of necessity. Think about it. There are plenty of dating sites out there that cater to the needs of people who are at a point in their life where they are looking for true, everlasting love. These people are tired of the dating scene, the drinks, the one night stands and the pickup lines. They want to be out of ‘the game’ and into a long term relationship. The popularity of these sites is based on the notion that they are communicating with like-minded individuals, those that are also looking for a long term commitment. Their pool of prospects is targeted so that they can accomplish their goals in a limited amount of time.
If you are not looking for long term romance, but instead just looking for a one night stand, then why would you spend your time surrounded by people looking for everlasting love?
Friends With Benefits – Can It Help?
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What is a person to do when they want to take on the opportunities of growing or starting their own business or focusing on their careers or education but don’t want to become celibate in the meantime? When you focus your energies on your own personal growth, the prospect of a regular dating relationship can just be overwhelming. Luckily for these goal and career minded individuals there is help online with the assistance of sites like Randy Rabbits.
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